We travelled up on the train with Tabassum and Moji, arriving in time to look around the beautiful Elizabethan and Medieval timber buildings.

We met all the other mums and babies as well as all the wonderful Mamaheaven girls. Later that night, Daphne from Penrhos cooked us the most amazing food from her GreenCuisine kitchen. The babies were fed the delicious, healthy food and they all really loved it. I know Bombi is an adventurous eater, but I was really pleased that she hungrily wolfed down all the delicious treats that Daphne made: Nettle puree, carrot and spirulina puree, beetroot puree, oatcakes, seaweed, polenta sticks, raw cookies and hemp smoothies just to name a few things that Bombi tried.
Here's Teddy tucking into an unidientified tasty object:

These are just a few images, but you can see all of my photos here.

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