Aunty Helen came to visit Bombalomba tonight. Bomba managed to hold it together long enough for us to get some photos with Helen: Helen also brought over a fantastic illustration that Amy did for Bombi. It's stunning and looks fantastic in her nursery:
Bombi met her great-grandmother on Saturday - great granny is 94 years older than Bombi. Crikey!
Here's Granddad looking very proud with his new Bombi. He's already initiated Bombi into baila music which she loves! Gaby came along to meet the baby. Gaby's brewing her little one - just over 5 weeks to go! Bombi met her big sis Lil who thinks she is fab! Bombi's wearing her new party frock from Ava: Aunty Priya and Aunty Moira cooing over Bombi: Bombi says a big thank you to everyone for all the wonderful gifts. She's looking forward to seeing everyone on 8th of November at her baptism.
Check out Bombalomba's hairdo, she's got quite a barnet. Lou thinks it looks like Posh Spice's Pixie hairdo - argh! I think she looks a bit like Sid Vicious: Today we took Wambatu to Deptford Market which she wasn't keen on and started crying straight away. Not surprising as it was full of rubbish and a little bit rainy. I breastfed Bomba in the car whilst watching some dunce trying to grapple with a a pressure washer which was reasonably amusing for five minutes.
I took Bombi to The Plough pub at midday to meet some local mums. We met Alice and her twins, and Laura and her son Max. I'll be meeting up with them next Friday.
Here's Bombi after her feed looking full to the brim with milky treats:
We've decided that the munchkin should be called by her middle name which is Matilda, it suits her much better than Iris!
We took Matilda Munchkin out to the caff for a greasy brekkie in East Dulwich, then a quick trip to the arches where Dad works to see Eunice and Steve Mac. I also brought some birthday pressies for nanna who was 94 on October the 17th!!
I took Bombi out today for our first daytrip without Dad. We popped in to the Therapy Rooms to see Francine and all the girls from yoga class. Everyone still thinks Bombi is a boy when she's in her blue fleece suit, despite the fact I'd put her in a pink babygro underneath. Annoying!
Then we popped over to JoJoMamanBebeRidiculousBabyShopName on Lordship Lane to spend the gift vouchers from Guy. I bought Bomba a sleepsuit and some cashmere leggings - posh!!
I had planned on going home, but as I had to walk to the bus stop on Goose Green, I saw a bus coming that was heading to Peckham and thought I'd mosey on over there to stop off at Mothercare and spend the gift vouchers from Aunty Rani and Uncle David in Scotland. Bomba was being super well-behaved and enjoying a snooze in the midday sun so I went to Mothercare and bought some cute stuff from the Baby K range by Myleene Klass. I don't really like to support celebrity clothing ranges, but the clothes are really nice - and lots of grey, mum's favourite colour!
No pictures of our little daytrip as I was juggling shopping bags in one hand and Bomba in the other - I must get a baby sling!
We had a quiet-ish day today with Bolus. Mum was back at work in the afternoon, so Louie took Bolus out to the shop to stock up on cabbage leaves to stuff in my bra to ease the boob pain!
After that hectic outing, Bolus monged out in her vibrating chair wearing a cute babygro donated by Tinariwen and Aunty Mad Girl: Then we managed to get the little tike into bed at 10pm. Result!